What’s tea …and what’s not ?

It seems that nowadays we call everything tea, even when there’s no tea in it !

What’s tea …and what’s not ?

Ok, I know I am a little inflexible sometimes but to me, if it’s not leaves from the Camellia Sinensis tea bush, then it’s not tea !

You see tea has always been made from the leaves of the Camelia Sinensis tea bush, which loves being grown in hot, humid climates. These leaves will taste a little different depending on whether the Camellia is grown in India, China, Kenya or wherever. The soil, altitude and temperature very much influencing its taste and flavour.

This amazing shrub can grow ( flush ) new leaves every 7 to 10 days for most of the year, and is happy to do this for over 100 years !

It’s not that I have anything against Peppermint, Camomile or Rooibos, they are herbs that do some very clever things, like lifting you up, calming you down, cleansing and refreshing you. It’s just that they are not ( strictly speaking ) teas, rather herbal infusions or tisanes…if you want to be posh !

Thanks for listening,  I feel better now.

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